The Pagan sabbat of Litha will soon be upon us again. Celebrate that fact and get your DIY on this sunny season with these 35 wonderful Summer Solstice craft projects and decor ideas from across the web.
An in-depth review of the cold weather perfect book, Celtic Folklore Cooking by Joanne Asala. This title houses 200+ recipes alongside captivating Celtic folklore, proverbs, and history.
One of the best things about summer is the abundance of fresh produce it offers up. In this post, we explore 25 magickal ways to work with stone fruit - from peaches to cherries, plums to apricots and more - in your witchcraft this season.
In the midst of the current Covid-19 pandemic, those of us who are currently able to do so are continuing to celebrate the sabbats. In this post we'll explore ways in which to use 15 different store cupboard foods (complete with their magickal properties) to help facilitate your Beltane workings while we're sheltering in place this spring.
More so than any other contemporary Pagan sabbat, Imbolc is associated with dairy foods. But it dairy, or animal products in general, are not on the literal table for you, it's time for some plant-based alternatives instead. This post lists many, along with numerous other foods and herbs that work excellently for Imbolc.