The Pagan sabbat of Litha will soon be upon us again. Celebrate that fact and get your DIY on this sunny season with these 35 wonderful Summer Solstice craft projects and decor ideas from across the web.
Spring has sprung and with it comes the return of many species of birds. To celebrate this fact, here is an in-depth review of the beautiful book The Hidden Meaning of Birds by Arin Murphy-Hiscock.
The cross-quarter Pagan sabbat of Beltane is fast approaching. Celebrate that fact and get your DIY on this spring with these forty awesome May 1st craft projects and decor ideas from across the web.
Announcing the launch of Witchcrafted Life's YouTube channel and sharing a tour of my Imbolc 2021 altar.
This year's October 31st is an extra super-duper special one! On top of being both Halloween and the Pagan sabbat of Samhain, this year sees the return of a rare Halloween blue moon. Read on for oodles of fun and interesting facts about this exciting astronomical occurrence.
In the midst of the current Covid-19 pandemic, those of us who are currently able to do so are continuing to celebrate the sabbats. In this post we'll explore ways in which to use 15 different store cupboard foods (complete with their magickal properties) to help facilitate your Beltane workings while we're sheltering in place this spring.
February 29th comes but once every four years. Learn more about the magickal properties and correspondences of this rare event, coupled with a handy spell to perform on February 29th that can help you to overcome hurdles in your life.