At first glance, this card might not leap out at you as being overtly masculine.
However, it is important to keep in mind that men – like those of all genders – have varying tastes and interests, styles and passions.

Whereas cards for some gents may feature stereotypically male interests or themes, there is, of course, nothing to stop any card from being suitable for a male recipient.
After all, it is the intended party, far more than the imagery or wording on a card that helps to land it a masculine, feminine, gender-neutral, etc camp.
From newborn babies to chaps well into their golden years, throughout my time as a paper crafter, I’ve had the pleasure of making cards for males of many ages and truly relish the experience.
I know that cards for guys are not everyone’s cup of tea to create and readily acknowledge the challenges such greetings can pose at times.
In some cases though, cards for boys and men need not be a daunting or difficult prospect – especially if you know at least a wee bit about the likes, hobbies, favourites, and so forth of a given individual.
Happily, when it came to the person who will be receiving this card, that is definitely the case! 😃
This chic black, gold, kraft, and cream hued honeybee themed card will soon be whisking its way off to one of my male family members (there’s a slim chance he might read this post, so I don’t want to reveal precisely who this card is for).

His birthday falls during the same week of two other close family members. That same week houses my wedding anniversary and, some years (it transpires annually on the second Monday in October), Canadian Thanksgiving as well.
Add to that mix the lead up to Samhain/Halloween, plenty of festive fall happenings, and the fact that by the tenth month of the year, I’m usually shifting a lot of my paper crafting focus to Yule + Christmas projects and it is easy to see why October is often the busiest chapter of the year on my end.
All that to say, knowing how full October tends to be around these parts, I’ve long learned to make birthday and Thanksgiving cards in advance, if at all possible.
And that is exactly what I did with this birthday greeting. 🥳
My relative is a skilled home chef (IMO, his homemade bread is award-worthy) who enjoys gardening and spending time in the great outdoors, so a bee themed card felt like a perfect fit for his special day this time around.
Elegant bee and honeycomb themed birthday card
This card is heading off to a male recipient, but its design is highly versatile and could easily be used for any gender.
Just as it is open to a wide range of possible events, if you were to switch the sentiment out for something that suited the occasion at hand.
I could easily see this card working fabulously for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, anniversaries, Thanksgiving Day, thinking of you, missing you, encouragement, congratulations, just because, get well, and sympathy cards.
And on the (Northern Hemisphere) Pagan front, I think its theme and warm, sun-baked palette are a fantastic fit for the sabbats of Litha, Lammas, and Mabon, in particular.
Bees are a familiar sight in many areas of the world during the spring, summer, and early fall. These industrious creatures are an integral part of the ecosystem, a source of inspiration for many cultures stretching back to time immemorial, and, famously, the creators of one of nature’s most scrumptious sweet treats: honey! 🍯
I really wanted to drive home the bee theme here, so went with a colour palette that channels honeybees, honeycomb, and of course, gorgeously golden honey itself.

Bees appear here on the layers of bumblebee patterned paper and again in the form of darling little 3D Jolee’s Boutique bee-shaped stickers.
The iconic design of a honeycomb shows up in the form of metallic gold cardstock that was die cut with a repeating hexagonal design die.
To increase the gold factor and help create further visual interest, I placed some of the die cut pieces back into their respective hexagons so that you see a mix of both open and solid “honeycombs”.
This birthday card was a joy to make. Creating it reminded me all the more of why I cherish those brief, gorgeous months when summer melds into autumn, nature is hard at work on the harvest front, and the hues of this card abound in many locations across the globe.
Products used to make this sophisticated black, gold and cream bee themed birthday card
-Black, cream/very light beige, white (used for card base), and kraft cardstock
-Metallic gold cardstock
-Black and gold cut apart sentiment paper – With Love Just Because paper from Kaisercraft
-Black and gold leaf/flourish print paper – Transatlantic Travel Explore The World paper from Carta Bella
-Bee print paper – Classic Pooh Busy Bee paper from EK Success
-Elegant nested die set
-Honeycomb/hexagon card background style die
-Postage stamp edge scissor – Paper Edger Stamp Scissors from Fiskars
-Black seam binding
-Gold and black scrolling leaf/flourish print ribbon
-Metallic gold thread (or embroidery floss)
-Good sized wood veneer flourish shaped piece
-Faceted black plastic button – Style 20539 from La Mode
-3D bee stickers – Bee Repeats stickers from Jolee’s Boutique
-Glue gun and glue sticks
-Dimensional foam, pop dots, or similar to elevate some of your layers
-Adhesive, such as a tape runner, of your choice (I often use my Scotch Tape Glider)
How to make a beautiful honeycomb and bee birthday card
Begin by making a card base from white cardstock (as the front portion of the card base will be entirely covered by other layers, you could easily make your base from cream, light beige, ivory, kraft, or black cardstock instead, if so desired).
Cut a piece of gold metallic cardstock the same size as your card base and adhere it to the base.

Next, cut a piece of black cardstock slightly smaller than the metallic gold layer. Using postage stamp edge scissors, cut a piece of kraft cardstock a touch smaller than the black cardstock layer. Adhere together and then adhere to the card base layers.
Cut a piece of cream cardstock and a slightly smaller piece of black and gold flourish print paper. Die cut a layer of gold metallic cardstock using one of the elegant nested dies.
Layer these three pieces together, as shown, including a small piece of the EK success bee print paper on the left side of this grouping. Adhere all layers and attach to your card base layers at an angle.
Using the postage stamp edge scissors, cut a piece of black cardstock. Top this layer with a piece of kraft cardstock and a piece of EK Success bee print paper. Adhere these layers together.
Cut a piece of black seam binding and attach it vertically down the middle of this group of layered pieces. Follow this step up by cutting two equal length pieces of black and gold print ribbon. Adhere one piece horizontally near the top of this group of layers and another horizontally near the bottom.
Adhere this group of layers to card base.
Using the nesting die set, die cut a black background layer and a smaller kraft layer. Adhere together, then cut and attach a piece of black seam binding horizontally across the middle of these two layers.
Die cut a honeycomb/hexagon background from metallic gold cardstock. Adhere to the kraft cardstock layer. Place some of the hexagon shapes back into their slots and once you’re happy with your arrangement, adhere them in place.
Cut the sentiment piece from Kaisercraft With Love Just Because paper. Adhere in the middle of the gold metallic honeycomb piece of cardstock. Adhere this grouping layer to the existing card base layers.
Adhere a Jolee’s Repeats Bee sticker on each of the four corners of the metallic gold cardstock honeycomb piece.

Create a bow from black seam binding (I crinkled mine ahead of time using the water and embossing heat tool technique; this step is optional and you can easily use straight/uncrinkled seam binding instead).
Run gold metallic thread or floss through a black button, tying a bow with the thread/floss. Adhere the threaded button to the centre of the black seam binding bow using hot glue or a strong, suitable adhesive of your choice.
Attach the large wooden flourish piece just below the center of the card, ensuring that it will be partly covered by the black seam binding bow. Attach the seam binding bow on top of the wooden piece.
And there you have it! One bee-utiful bee-day card that is ready to bee sent or delivered to someone special in your life. (Yes, I am having way too much fun with the word “bee” in this post, as the closing section bee-low will further attest to. 😄)
Handy sentiments for bee cards
Given the fact that many of us refer, at least some of the time, to birthday as “b-days”, creating bee themed cards for this special event is a natural fit.
The theme of “bee day” opens itself up to a great many possible designs and sentiments, be they punny, cute, classic, or anything else you desire.
As touched on above, bee themed cards are a great fit for many other occasions as well.

If you’re keen to create a bee card of your own, the following is a list of bee-related card sentiments that I came up with (though I’m sure most, if not all of them, have been used before and am certainly not claiming originality here) to help you out on that front.
-Thank you for bee-ing there for me (or us)
-Don’t stop bee-lieving in yourself
-Happy bee-day
-Ha-bee birthday
-Thank you for bee-ing a great friend
-Wishing you a bee-utiful day (or birthday, anniversary, Thanksgiving, etc)
-For the parent(s) or grandparent(s) to bee
-You are sweeter than honey (or, may your day be sweeter than honey)
-Thank you for being such a sweet friend
-You are the bee’s knees
-We were meant to bee
-Thinking of you, my sweet friend
-I would bee lost without you
-Just bee-cause
-Welcome new bee-bee (aka, baby)
-You make the world a sweeter place
-Always bee yourself
-We bee-long together
-Congratulations to the bride/groom/happy couple to bee
-Wishing you the sweetest of days
-You are bee-yond amazing
-Bee mine (such a classic!)
-Love you bee-yond bee-lief
-You are the undisputed queen bee
-Honey, you make my world a sweeter place
-So bee-lessed to know you (or have you in my life, as my friend, as my sister, etc)
-Thank you for bee-ing there for me
-With love (or support, sympathy, encouragement, etc) from our hive to yours
I hope that these wordplay filled bee card sentiments, as well as this card share itself, inspire you to create a bee themed project of your own.
If you make one, please don’t hesitate to drop a link to it in the comments below and/or tag me on social media (or should I say, bee-media 😄) so that I can see what’s buzzing on your own card making front as well.
Do you enjoy incorporating bees into some of your paper crafting projects? What was the theme of the last masculine card you made? 🐝🍯🖤
wow, this is truly stunning. Love the sofistication of the colour combination and the wonderful layers of initerest. I am sure he will love it. Have a great day.
You’re blush-inducingly kind, dear Anesha. Thank you very much. 😘
I’m really excited to send this card off to my relative in a few week’s time and hope he enjoys it as much as bees love gathering pollen. 🐝
🖤 Autumn
Ok so my daughters first big official job is At the Busy Bee bakery at our honey farm and it suits her sweet bubbly personality and now I’m see honey and bees everywhere! I’ll send this to her but I love this!!! Yup today I am putting out the rest of my autumn things as usually around Samhain or there after I decorate for Yule- I’m usually a month or so sooner than the calendar for my seasons but it suits – I feel lughnasadh marks my autumn beginnings! I also think in alberta our seasons do shift or feel differently. Yesterday may have been plus 32 but the evening it was down to below 17 and a sweater! So I feel it now even on summer days! For my family we kind of go like this:
August – nov – autumn
Nov 1- March – winter ( usually our longer and can vary but generally …)
March – May Spring ( usually our shortest season )
May- august – summer
It just works for us!
You have been heavily on my mind and I hope to hear from your beautiful soul soon!
Thank you very much for your heart-touching comment, dear lady. It means more than words can fully convey to know that I’ve been on your mind as of late.
Goodness knows things have been touch-and-go at times around these parts in regards to the massive wildfire that is burning mere kilometres from our doorstep.
Mercifully, while we have been put on evacuation alert twice so far, we’ve not yet had to actually leave our home due to the fire. We’re prepped and as ready as one can realistically be, should that occur, however. Naturally, we hope with all our might that it doesn’t, but the possibility is real and we’re at peace with that fact + whatever may happen if any flames (or live embers) do make it this far into the heart of Armstrong.
How are you doing on all fronts as August begins to wind down?
I adore your comment + learning more about the connection that your family has to one of nature’s most industrious of all critters, the humble honeybee. That’s thoroughly bee-utiful!
I’m with you when it comes to getting a jump start on your seasonal/holiday decor (especially since I find displaying elements of each season and sabbat deepens my spiritual connection to these important facets of the year). I am a passionate decorator and usually begin putting out fall/Halloween/Samhain items around Lammas. This year, however, with the risk of fire a very real threat, I’m holding off a bit longer than (my) usual.
Assuming the situation has deescalated somewhat by then, I’ll begin putting things out in the second half of September. And like yourself, I rarely wait long beyond Samhain to start incorporating elements of winter/Yule throughout our wee abode.
Many sincere thanks again for everything. I really appreciate the comments that feel like face-to-face conversations that you brighten my blog with, lovely heart.
🖤 Autumn
I love that this looks like a big stack of birthday cards! The black and gold theme is so luxe and pretty – this doesn’t strike me as an overtly masculine card. My husband loves really elaborate decoration, so he’d love this card – it’s truly beautiful, from the little bee in the corner to the random bits of comb.
The second week of October is the best week – my birthday, huzzah!
Thank you sweetly, my bee-utiful friend! I adore the fact that your honey (see what I did there? :D) would bee all abuzz for this elegant bee-day greeting as well. I will have to keep that in mind if I ever have the pleasure and honour of greeting a card for him/both of you.
It’s awesome that your own birthday falls in mid-October. That is such a magical, gorgeous time of the year. If I could have selected my birth month, it would have been October all the way.
Alas, such is not possible and instead, I entered this world in the 2nd week of July. Delightfully though, I was conceived in October, and I the romantic soul in me cannot help but believe that fact contributes in part to why I cherish the autumn months so very, very much.
I hope that you guys are doing well and enjoying a sunny, relaxing tail end of August. The wildfire threat still looms large here, but thankfully the air quality and immediate risk to our neighbourhood is not nearly as bad as it was just a few short days ago. Fingers beyond crossed that things only continue to improve on that front and that no other homes, properties, or animal lives are lost to this mighty blaze.
Big hugs & the cheeriest of late August wishes,
🖤 Autumn
Wow!! This is such a stunning card and it looks so classy and elegant with your color choices and elements!! I am swooning over the layers and details! The honey comb background and bees warms it up and makes it sweet!! So beautiful and thank you for sharing!! HUGS
You are sweeter than a whole hive’s worth of honey, dear Vicki. Thank you very much for your splendidly kind words about this elegant bee-day card.
Call me the odd one out on the paper crafting front, but (as a general rule) I really enjoy making masculine cards – especially, admittedly, when I’m able to inject a hefty dose of my usual shabby chic and layered style into the equation, as I did here.
I wish that I had more male loved ones to make cards for, as they’re a fun change of pace and great excuse to use some of the more masculine products in my stash.
Big hugs & oodles more thanks!
🖤 Autumn
This is so fabulous Autumn! Great theme, so many fabulous layers and like the ribbon and your bow!
You are terrifically kind, dear Donna. Thank you very much!
Not all chaps flip for cards like this, but knowing that my relative is likely to do so gave me the perfect excuse to not hold back when it came to mixing masculine and shabby chic/feminine details.
I adored making this card and am thinking its design might just have to inspire a tag, layout, or even a whole mini album one day.
🖤 Autumn
What an absolute delight of a card, which I’m sure will be appreciated by any recipient regardless of age or gender!
I’m loving all these intricate layers, and I agree with Sheila that it looks like a stack of birthday cards. Wonderful! xxx
Thank you abundantly, sweet Ann. I am in total agreement with you and will definitely be looking to this project for future inspiration with some of my other cards and (different) paper crafting projects for those of all ages and genders. I could see it also being a fab jumping-off point for a wreath, too (particularly one displayed during the second half of summer and early fall time).
I really appreciate all of your recent blog comments, my dear friend, and hope that you’re having a relaxing, beautiful tail end of August.
🖤 Autumn
WOW this is stunning Autumn! I love the colors with the beautiful gold details! Awesome layering as always! He is going to love this card! Have a nice weekend!
Hugs Tammy
You are fabulously sweet + kind, dear Tammy. Thank you SO much!!!
I second your hope and am abuzz with excitement to post this detailed greeting off to my relative in a few week’s time.
Hopefully, too, as we live less than two hours away, this card will hold up well in the post and get there nearly as quickly as a bumblebee flies (I’ll be posting it out in a bubble mailer to help try and keep all of the layers and embellishments intact).
🖤 Autumn
This is an unbee-lievably (sorry, couldn’t help myself) delightful a theme for a more masculine card, I love the rich and warm hues!
Aww! Thank you very much, my treasured friend. Puns are always welcome and readily encouraged around these parts, fear not. I was digging deep into the vault of such myself when composing the list of bee-related sentiments that I included towards the bottom of this charming bee-day greeting.
Many heartfelt thanks again, coupled with a swarm of hugs!
🖤 Autumn
A gorgeous card Autumn, lots of super details and such an elegant design – I love the black gold and Kraft, I would not have thought to put those three together but they look fabulous. The sentiment panel is perfect, I think this card would be perfect for many men.
Pauline – Crafting with Cotnob
You are as sweet as the finest honey, dear Pauline. Thank you very much. It warms my colour palette adoring heart to know that this elegant colour palette speaks to you as well. It would be stunning for winter holiday makes of all kinds as well.
I hope that you’re doing well and enjoying a relaxing, wonderful tail of August, my friend.
🖤 Autumn
wowzer one fantastic work of art with that touch of gold…love it.
Thank you sweetly, dear Annie. What a lovely, supportive comment. This card was a joy to make and I can already tell that it will inspire some of my future makes as well – possibly including a bee themed LO or mini album.
Big hugs & the sunniest of late summer wishes,
🖤 Autumn
This card is absolutely stunning! There is something innately beautiful about the honeycomb shape bees create. Truly a masterpiece. All your papercrafts are so beautiful. <3
Superbly said, dear Willow. I wholeheartedly concur and have been drawn to the timeless shape of honeycombs since childhood.
One way I connect with this classic natural design is via a (gold-hued) metal trivet that we use nearly daily in our kitchen (and, from time to time, in some of my witchy workings elsewhere in the house, too). It is a year-round reminder of the beauty and organic symmetry that nature is able to produce all on its own.
Thank you very much for your sweeter-than-honey comment. It more than made my day.
🖤 Autumn
For sure not typical… it’s spectacular! I really don’t see why masculine cards cannot be beautiful like this. Such an elegant and sophisticated colour palette that would work for both genders. Amazing layers and dimensions as always. The recipient will love it.
Thanks for sharing the bee puns.
What an awesomely kind comment, dear Trina. Thank you very, very much! 😘
Hear, hear!!! Yes, granted, some guys will enjoy cards like this more than others, but I totally agree that there’s no reason we can’t make and give cards to males that embody elements that are more traditionally female. Beauty is beauty regardless of any gender qualities that may subjectively be attached to it.
My pleasure! Thank you so much for taking note of that section of this post. I’m bee-lighted to know you enjoyed my list of fun bee-related card sentiments.
Big hugs & the sunniest of late August wishes coming your way,
🖤 Autumn
This is a truly stunning creation, Autumn, and I particularly adore the black and gold colourway.
I made John an Anniversary card last year, as we were locked down and I was unable to get out to purchase one and I was very happy with the result and he was so chuffed! I have a cupboard filled with bits and bobs as I used to make scarecrows … long story!! Lol
Thank ups so much for sharing, and for your inspiration!
Thank you very much for your terrific comment, my sweet friend.
It is super cool that you used elements pertaining to making scarecrows to craft an anniversary card for John. Love that to bits – not the least because scarecrows are a perpetual favourite of mine. I even dressed up as one – straw and all – for Halloween in 2018.
I think of you often, dearest Donna, and wholeheartedly hope that life is smiling abundantly on you as the seasons turn and you head into spring again. 🌼
Oodles of hugs coming your way from ever-more-autumnal BC,
🖤 Autumn
WOW this is amazing and so regal in the black and gold. Emma
You are blush-inducingly kind, dear Emma. Thank you very much for your super sweet compliments.
The marriage of black and gold is a perineal favourite of mine (see, for example, some of my handmade Christmas cards from last year) and one that I adore working with for a wide range of events, holidays, and everyday greetings alike.
I tend to wear it a fair bit, too (though do, admittedly, have more silver and grey in my wardrobe at present than I do gold), and love it in that (and most any other) capacity as well.
Thinking of you, lovely lady, and sending the merriest of summer-into-fall wishes your way!
🖤 Autumn