Announcing the launch of Witchcrafted Life's YouTube channel and sharing a tour of my Imbolc 2021 altar.
The hauntingly fun days of October are fading once again, but fall time itself is still going strong. In this post, we'll take a look at 30 different reasons - one for each day of the month - to love and celebrate the beautiful month that is November.
The second of the harvest season sabbats, Mabon, is upon us again. In this post we explore 15 awesome free and low-cost ways to celebrate the Fall Equinox.
A little about how life is going for me right now, coupled with a simple and lovely cloud divination spell for clarity about the future.
Lammas (Lughnasadh) has returned and with it the subtle shifts of summer into fall. In this post, we explore fifteen awesome animal correspondences to connect to and work with during the first of the year's three Pagan harvest season sabbats.
One of the best things about summer is the abundance of fresh produce it offers up. In this post, we explore 25 magickal ways to work with stone fruit - from peaches to cherries, plums to apricots and more - in your witchcraft this season.
Ancestral DNA testing can shed light on our genealogical past, but did you know that it in the process it can also be used to help enhance our witchy lives?
Before summer officially begins again, let's take a look at some of the fun, fascinating and informative content from around the web that caught my eye this spring - and which I think you'll enjoy as well.
The Summer Solstice is often associated with, and tends to have a heavy focus on, outdoor activities. These can be a fabulous part of this celebration. However, for those who are self-isolating or may be spending the Solstice indoors for other reasons and are looking for ways to celebrate Litha inside, this post, which highlights a dozen great ways to do, so has you covered.
Being a caregiver is a role that many of us take on or suddenly find ourselves in throughout our lives. In this post, we explore self-care tips and magickal approaches to help caregivers live as healthily as possible on all levels.